The Missouri Senate “Reading Success” bill (SB681) has been scheduled for a hearing in the Senate Education Committee next Tuesday, January 25, 2022.
Senate Bill (SB681) “The Reading Success Bill” sponsored by Sen. O’Laughlin will be heard at 12:00pm in the Senate Lounge.
Take a moment to review the summary of this bill by clicking on the bill number (highlighted in blue) above or the full bill text here. Then let the Committee Members know how crucial appropriate evidenced-based reading instruction is for dyslexic children. This legislation would positively influence all children struggling with reading proficiency in public schools.
We cannot over-emphasize how important your calls/emails will be in the forward movement of this bill and future passage!
Please let the Committee members know that this bill really matters to families in MO! Please contact the following members of the Senate Education Committee by phone or email to respectfully request their support. Personal examples of your child’s struggles and when he or she has succeeded with the right kind of help will make your story, letter or email more compelling. (See sample letter below for ideas.)
Senate Education Committee Members:
Senator Cindy O’Laughlin (Committee Chair/Bill Sponsor) (573) 751-7985 email (to thank her for sponsoring the bill) here
Senator Rick Brattin (Committee Vice Chair) email here
Senator Lauren Arthur (573) 751-5282 email here
Senator Mike Cierpiot (573) 751-1464 email here
Senator Elaine Gannon (573) 751-4008 email here
Senator Andrew Koenig (573) 751-5568 email here
Senator Greg Razer (573) 751-6607 email here
Senator Bob Onder (573) 751-1282 email here
Senator Jill Schupp (573) 751-9762 email here
*Please note that the above Senate email links will display a disclaimer. Please click on “Continue to the contact page” to submit your email message.
Contact us at with any questions regarding the bill.
Please take a moment today to show your support for appropriate reading interventions for students with dyslexia! ____________________________________________________________________________
Sample letter:
Dear __________,
I am writing today to ask for your support of Senate Bill 681 (SB681) that will be heard in your Education Committee on Tuesday, January 25, 2022. This bill will require schools to adopt an appropriate intervention program that is evidenced based to help children with dyslexia and other reading difficulties.
My child has struggled…(include a short personal story).
That is why I feel that not only my child but every child who struggles with reading and dyslexia would benefit from the passage of Senate Bill 54 (SB54). I respectfully ask for your support of this bill!
Sincerely, ____________________________________________________________________________