What Can I do Right Now to Talk About Dyslexia in Missouri?
- Become a member of Decoding Dyslexia-MO on the right hand side of this page (there are no dues or fees). This will ensure that you receive legislative alerts and notification about upcoming events.
- Sign our DD-MO Petition.
- Like us on Facebook and join the DD-MO Facebook Group.
- Sign up to be a member on the right hand side of the page. There are no dues of fees for membership. This will ensure you get alerts about educational events and legislation.
- Write down your family’s story to share with your local MO legislator. Click here for tips! Contact us if you would like your story to be part of informational packets distributed to Missouri legislators.
- Send a letter and/or email urging your local MO legislator to support the goals of Decoding Dyslexia-MO. Click here to find your local legislator.
- Host a DD-MO dyslexia roundtable discussion in your city. Email us for details.
- Share this information with 3 others and ask that they get involved in this movement also!
What Else Can I do?
- Get involved at a local level:
- Inquire about your school district’s state mandated Special Education Parent Advisory Group and join.
- Get involved in your local PTA and help plan literacy events and/or fundraisers.
- Go to school board meeting and consider becoming a school board member.
- Join a variety of district committees, talk to other parents at local events, and discuss dyslexia with educators. Become a resource for others!
- Get educated about Dyslexia
- Read literature about dyslexia including books, such as Overcoming Dyslexia by Dr. Sally Shaywitz.
- Take a parent advocacy course through a group such as MPACT.
- Take a parent training course in reading intervention so that you can help your child at home.
- Get second opinions through private testing by a university, learning center, educational consultant, speech pathologist, developmental pediatrician, occupational therapist, physical therapist and/or other specialists.
- Speak to advocates, educators in private practice, and special education attorneys.
- Attend seminars, get on mailing lists, and network with others from support groups and LD organizations in your area.
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