Register for DDMO/MPACT Conference Now!


Join us Friday, May 3, 2019,  for a conference entitled “How to Improve Word-Level Reading in Students with Dyslexia” featuring David Kilpatrick, PhD and presented by Decoding Dyslexia MO in conjunction with MPACT Missouri Parents ACT.

Implementation of the new Missouri state dyslexia law began this school year and additional legislation focused on evidence-based reading interventions has been filed in the legislature. To support teachers, parents and other professionals in understanding dyslexia and other reading disabilities, David Kilpatrick, Ph.D. will present in St. Louis, Missouri on May 3. David’s book, Essentials of Assessing, Preventing, and Overcoming Reading Difficulties, is used by DESE and the RPDC Dyslexia Consultants as a source of information and study.

The presentation will focus on how children learn to read words and why some children struggle. Understanding the nature of word-level reading development and word-level reading problems will guide both assessment and intervention. Studies consistently show that the most commonly used intervention approaches provide limited benefits for weak readers. However, other studies have shown that some approaches can yield very large reading gains for such students. Once we understand how reading works and why some students struggle, the reasons for this pattern of intervention findings become clear. The focus is on establishing the best instructional and intervention practices.

More about David Kilpatrick, PhD

**Thanks to DD-MO and MPACT donors we are able to provide this conference for a discounted rate.**

Register Today!

Included in registration: Light Breakfast, Lunch and Refreshments

Parent Registration = $75
Early Bird Professional Registration = $85
Professional After April 3, 2019= $100
REFUNDS: No refunds. Tickets are transferrable.
CEU’s pending

Discounted room blocks available at Holiday Inn available until 4/11/2019.
Exhibitor tables limited- $100 (lunch and seminar included)

Visit this link to book the $94 rate for Decoding Dyslexia and MPACT. The room code is APM.

Contact Amey McAllister at for more information.