Senator Sifton, Representative Burlison, and Representative Swan have filed Dyslexia Bills.
Senator Sifton filed three Senate Bills. Two of the Senate bills are related: SB827 and SB633. SB633 is an omnibus bill that address a wide range of education issues in our State. SB633 establishes the Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia and the hiring of a Dyslexia Specialist. The other bill, SB827, establishes the Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia as a standalone bill. A third Senate bill, SB809, requires each public school to screen students for dyslexia and related disorders. SB827 had a Hearing in the Education Committee on February 10. Thank you Senator Sifton! You can send him a thank you here.
Represenative Burlison filed HB1928, which would establish the Legislative Task Force on Dyslexia and also requires DESE to hire a Dyslexia Specialist. HB 1928 had a Hearing in the Education Committee on February 8. Be sure to thank Representative Burlison in an email here.
Representative Swan filed HB2379, which requires public schools to screen student for dyslexia and related disorders. You can send her a thank you here. HB2379 has a Hearing in the Education Committee on February 15. We are very fortunate to have these legislators working on behalf of kids with dyslexia in Missouri!
We encourage you to contact your own Legislators to support these important bills. You can look up your MO Representative via your zip code here and your MO Senator here. Or perhaps you’d like to thanks the member of the House and Senate Education Committee. You can do so here for the Senate Education Committee or here for the House Education Committee. By sending a letter, email or making a phone call, they will know that dyslexia legislation matters in their district.
If you have any questions related to this legislation, please feel free to reach out on our Contact Us page. Thank you!